Friday, February 11, 2011


I am having so much fun with Valentine's Day this year. Making cards, decorating, baking, dressing Stella in the most precious heart outfits every day. I am just loving it...and what's not to love? A holiday celebrating the wonderful gift of love that we get to experience.

I was thinking about our first married Valentine's Day yesterday. I was in my 4th year of pharmacy school and Nate was in his second year of residency. We were both on the same adult medicine service that month, except that I rounded with the day crew and he was on nights. So, we didn't see each other much that month. On Valentine's morning, I walked into the report room and there was a bouquet of flowers waiting for me that he had left in there before he went home to sleep. So sweet, and such a funny surprise. I was in a really good mood pre-rounding that morning! I knew he would be coming home to go to sleep, so when I left that morning, I had left him a Reese's heart (his favorite candy) on his pillow with a card. Later that day when I talked to him, I thanked him for the flowers and he thanked me for the card. I said something along the lines of, "Did you eat the chocolate before or after you went to sleep?" He said he never saw any chocolate. I told him that there had been chocolate at one point. After a little looking around he ended up finding the remnants of the package hidden in one of Farai's lurking spots. Happy Valentine's Day to her!

Hopefully, we will try to keep the canine-kind's chocolate consumption to a low level this year. Although, I have found Saul quite useful in cleaning up spilled candy pearls! Wishing you all a very happy day!

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