We welcomed the first human puppy to the pack on June 28, 2010. I had a planned c-section out of medical necessity (there will likely be more on this at a later date - not a fan). So, we arrived at the hospital at the appointed time, and before I could even wrap my mind around what was happening I was looking into this tiny face and falling absolutley and completely in love. Here are a few behind-the-scenes photos of the big day.
First pictures daddy took. Talk about a newborn! I was hearing her cry across the room and was in awe. Nate came over and whispered "twelve-eleven" to me sweetly and gave me a kiss, and in my stupor I thought he was telling me her weight, but he was really telling me her time of birth. I had a momentary freak out until he realized my misunderstanding and clarified. Whew.
First family picture. First time I got to see this little wonder we'd been waiting on and dreaming about.
That's my wonderful recovery room nurse in the nursery scooping our baby for us so we could have her in recovery. Thanks, Magda! That time in the recovery room was so special to us.
The end of a long, wonderful day is just the start of this journey we've been waiting our whole lives to begin. Welcome, little girl. As daddy sang to you this morning before we left for the hospital, "you've gone and stole my heart and made it your own."