Saturday, February 19, 2011

We ran away!

Hello from San Antonio! We spontaneously ran away on Friday, and have had a lovely little get away. Here's Stella excited about the trip in our hotel room. She did have to point out that she was dubious about the authenticity of this chair, as she is unaware of such a thing as a red zebra. I mean, she is Nate's daughter afterall.

It is misting this morning, but we had to get a couple Riverwalk shots with Missy Stella, as my mom calls her.

The Hotel Contessa was really nice! Last night was perfect on the river too.

This morning we went to Lulu's to check out the Man vs Food-worthy cinnamon rolls. They really were as ginormous as Adam Richman promised, and good, but not as good as my dad's. Stella didn't finish hers. :)

Here's a little Becca lore from the archives....

We drove by the house my parents built when we lived down here. Below is a picture. I lived here when I was in 6th and 7th grades. It was fun to see how much things have changed in the area, and I realized that because of the way I grew up military that I have very few places that I ever go back to and can see the passage of time like that. It was sweet to walk down memory lane and share some of those fun memories with Nate.

I love Brenham for Brenham, but I also love how you can sneak off to the big city so easily.

Adios from San Antonio!


  1. Sounds like an awful lot of fun!!

  2. I want to know what kind of crazy hotels you stay in to have red zebra chairs?
